Farm Fresh Eggs

We keep a small flock of laying chickens. The girls have access to the outdoors all year and have a nice cozy coop. Each dozen will contain a mix of medium to large eggs. We have several breeds of chickens, so that's why our eggs are different shades and sizes.


One dozen eggs-$2.50

One dozen eggs BYOC- $2.00
(Bring Your Own Carton)

Our Chickens

The girls have access to the outdoors during the day. Since they have free access to pasture during the spring, summer, and fall, their eggs are more nutritious (and delicious) than eggs you buy at the grocery.

We like a lot of variety so our flock includes the following breeds:
  • Golden Buff
  • Silver Laced Wyandotte
  • Dominque
  • Barred Plymouth Rock
  • Cochin
  • Brahma