Thursday, September 13, 2012

In the driver's seat

One of Sassy's favorite places to nap is the wagon seat. But, she's not keen on taking a ride. Her other preferred "bed" is the old car seat that serves as the driver's seat on the old black cart.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Getting the Nails Done

Tiffany had her first farrier appointment on Tuesday. She was a very patient girl after having to wait in the barn for half an hour. I was a little concerned she would not fully cooperate, so we went to the round pen first to work off some excess energy (which is why she is sweaty in her photo).
She was so very good for the farrier and only made a few halfhearted efforts to pull her foot away.
I'm sure her feet and self confidence are feeling better now that her nails have had a trim and been filed.

Patiently waiting for the farrier...
Another before...