Wednesday, October 16, 2013


Last Sunday I reached into the nesting box and discovered that Brownie has laid this HUGE egg.

Brownie's (the ISA Brown) jumbo egg in comparison to the eggs from the Dominique and Wyandotte).

The jumbo egg in comparison to Brownie's regular eggs.
This sucker weighed in at 103 grams (she usually lays eggs between 65-70 grams). It can be dangerous for a chicken to lay really large eggs because she could get egg-bound (which is a nice way of saying that the egg gets stuck in the chicken. Not fun, not fun at all).

I felt bad for the girl-- that couldn't have been easy laying that egg. I vowed to not waste her effort and fried up the egg for breakfast the next day. It was delicious!

The egg turned out to be a double yolker.

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