Sunday, July 15, 2012

Garden Update

The garden is alive-when I walk out in the morning it's all abuzz with the sounds of bees in the summer squash flowers and marigolds. It's home to spiders, grand daddy long legs, and (unfortunately) squash bugs, which are wreaking havoc on my squash and zucchini plants. My peppers are still less than a foot tall, but have blossomed. My lettuce was looking a little wilted yesterday, but after a spray with the hose, they seemed to recover.

Here are some photos from the past week:

The summer squash is still producing in spite of the squash bugs, and the plants are buzzing with bees in the morning.
Green tomatoes-can't wait for these to ripen so I can have a BLT!

One of our melons decided to grow outside of its bed (and since the bed is crowded with so many other plants), Will fashioned a little hammock for it out of electric tape, an old plastic fence post, and pantyhose. 
At the last count, we have about eight Sugar Baby watermelons growing on our four melon plants.

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