Friday, November 30, 2012


The snow has come, and I'm afraid it's here to stay. Since the weather has turned cold, the grass hasn't been growing, so the horses have been enjoying hay. They've started drinking more water since it's gotten colder (I guessing it's because the hay is dry, unlike the grass).

The other "side effect" of feeding the girls hay is that they are RAVENOUS when it's breakfast/dinner time. They're definitely getting enough to eat, but not having access to forage 24/7 means they eat their hay in a couple of hours, and then have to dwell on not having anything to munch on until it's feeding time again. I do have to say, they are thrilled when they see me come out of the barn hauling those bales!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Up Close & Personal

It's high time this blog showed some love for Jubilee, Tiffany's older (and certainly wiser) pasture mate.

Jubi belongs to our neighbor, who was kind enough to send her over to our place to keep Tiffany company.

We don't know much about Jubi's past, but her list of accomplishments include:
  • Having 10 foals
  • Gracing the cover of a magazine
  • Surviving Tiffany's diva moments and mood swings

JubiLinda gets out to be groomed and to graze in the hayfield. The one thing I love about Jubi is as soon as you put the halter on, she knows that we're going somewhere. It may just be in the barn to the cross ties, but she's all business-no lolly gagging around! She'll even pick up her feet as you go to reach for them (but keeping a hold on her feet is another story-she's a little fussy about her nails).

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Tired Tiffany

Ali has been riding Tiffany pretty hard lately. This photo was taken after their ride last weekend. Tiff is advancing in her basic flat work, is much more balanced, and has continued to improve her side passing. Ali also started working with her on flying lead changes. (And of course my video of all this cool stuff somehow disappeared off my camera... sigh...)

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Queen of the Wood Pile

The wood pile is one of Sassy's favorite outside hangouts...

... Until she spots an opportunity for a head rub, and then she's off!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Lap warmer

Barn cat Sassy has many talents: catching mice, lounging in the sun, eating all her food, and begging for attention. I was pleased to receive this photo from our barn sitter, showing a particularly useful winter skill: LAP WARMER!